How Long Can This Last?
Jamila Main with Emma Valente (SA & VIC)
In How Long Can This last? a performer with chronic illness pursues a pain-free space provided by live performance in a durational work interrogating the visibility of disability, medical gaslighting, and what it means to be sick.
Jamila Main is an actor, award-winning playwright and emerging arts leader whose work explores themes of autonomy, trust, and joy within queer, feminist and disability dramaturgies. They are a fierce advocate for people with Endometriosis.
Jamila is exploring the key ideas and artistic modes – both digital and physical – of this deeply personal new work through a mentoring process with director, lighting designer, and dramaturg Emma Valente, co-director of feminist performance company THE RABBLE.
Creative Team: Performer and concept – Jamila Main; Dramaturg – Emma Valente; Video and sound production – Jamila Main and Kobe Donaldson