Broth Bitch
Michele Lee, Jessica Bellamy, Ming-Zhu Hii, Russell Goldsmith and Maia Thomas (VIC)
Broth Bitch is a podcast performance work about the wellness industrial complex and white women, set against conversations about women, labour and capitalism.
Michele Lee is an Asian-Australian playwright and theatre maker working across stage, live art, audio and screen. Her work is largely narrative-focused, in comedy and drama, and explores stories of women, work, otherness and found families.
Collaborating with an acclaimed team of Melbourne-based theatre makers, while all are in Melbourne’s lockdown, Michele and her co-creators are using the format of a multi-episodic podcast to make this new satirical work for presentation in late 2020 at Melbourne Fringe.
Creative Team: Writer and lead artist – Michele Lee; Director – Ming-Zhu Hii; Dramaturg – Jessica Bellamy; Performer – Maia Thomas; Composer and sound designer – Russell Goldsmith
This project is supported by the Australia Council for the Arts and Melbourne Fringe.
Image: Jody Haines