Identify: What boxes do you tick?
Amala Groom with Willoh S.Weiland (NSW & TAS)
Identify: What boxes do you tick? is a multi-platform performative work that seeks to unpack the fixed and fluid notions between identity of the self and identity by interpolation.
Amala Groom is a Wiradyuri conceptual artist whose practice, as the performance of her cultural sovereignty, is informed and driven by First Nations epistemologies, ontologies and methodologies. Articulated across diverse media and informed by extensive archival, legislative and first-person research, Groom’s work is a form of passionate activism, presenting acute and incisive commentary on contemporary socio-political issues.
In this autobiographical work, the artist performs herself as well as a plethora of other characters as a historiography of her lived relationships and experiences. It extends a performative lecture delivered for Talk Contemporary at Sydney Contemporary in 2019 into a fully realised artistic work with artist, writer and curator Willoh S.Weiland, in their first collaboration.
Creative Team: Writer, director and performer – Amala Groom; Dramaturg – Willoh S.Weiland
This project is supported by ILBIJERRI Theatre Company’s Blakfulla Boost Quick Response Grant.
Image: Amala Groom