Cinzia Schincariol and Matt Shilcock (SA)
Scomodo is a durational performance work where two dance artists obsessively deconstruct and reconstruct a wheelchair, exploring the boundaries between humans and their machines.
Cinzia Schincariol is an independent artist based in South Australia and currently Berlin, working across performance, community and health through mediums such as dance, voice, drawing, photography and film. Her practice is grounded in embodiment, instant composition, accessibility, compassion and a relationship with the natural environment. Matt Shilcock is a South Australian choreographer, dancer, actor and creative producer. He has developed a choreographic methodology and movement language, Osteogenuine, that combines his interests in dance, alchemy, and holistic healing.
Both artists are interested in the body as a political landscape, cyborg theory, and discomposure, all themes for exploration in this performance work named after the Italian word for ‘uncomfortable’.
Creative Team: Co-creators and performers – Cinzia Schincariol and Matt Shilcock
This project is supported by Arts South Australia, the Richard Llewellyn Arts and Disability Trust and Australian Dance Theatre.
Image: Sam Roberts